The All-in-One Waste Management Platform from Evreka

The All-in-One Waste Management Platform from Evreka

Evreka drives the circular waste management economy, benefitting society, the planet, and its customers.

Traditionally, waste management has been ad hoc, manually intensive, and uncoordinated in almost every city, town, and village. A linear and haphazard process that ends in landfills that contaminate the land and leak into our rivers, streams, and reservoirs. Hazardous waste from chemical plants, hospitals and the disposal of increasing volumes of electronic goods and plastics dumped in landfills or incinerated adds to the problem. Food waste contributes to methane production, second only to CO2 as a global warming contributor.

To find out how Evreka is helping to solve this massive problem affecting us all, download the complete report below.

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