Growth through differentiation with Wonderflow

Decision intelligence from Wonderflow

Growth through differentiation with Wonderflow

Wonderflow – a unified intelligent analytics platform for product development, go-to-market planning & VoC

VoC programs and technologies have been around for decades. So why on Earth have venture capitalists such as Klass Capital and P101 SGR invested €20 million in Wonderflow? And, why did major brands turn to Wonderflow to help them, like Pirelli, DeLonghi Group, Philips, Samsung, DHL, Colgate-Palmolive, Lavazza, and pharmaceuticals company GSK?

Download the free report covering  CX-Create’s analysis of Wonderflow to find out why.

Here’s a hint on what makes Wonderflow different

Unlike long-established customer feedback management or voice-of-the-customer platforms (CFM/VoC), AI was not an afterthought grafted on to tired old technologies that require a Ph.D. to operate.

Wonderflow started with AI, which helps business people understand what consumers want in products and experiences.

I’ve been watching Wonderflow for around three years or more. Apart from the AI advantage, Wonderflow is easy to use and is rapidly replacing complex alternatives and tying the results to business goals.

It’s a far cry from the siloed VoC programs run by disparate departments, but if you have a few knocking around your organization, plug them into Wonderflow as another data source. Wonderflow will combine this with real-time external feedback, product reviews, and more and make it easy to understand the bigger picture, with intuitive visualizations and recommendations on what action to take – all powered by AI.


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